Save time. Get a best-of-destination travel itinerary.
Around the world, local guides and other travel enthusiasts have figured out the best places to see & enjoy in their city of expertise.
Instantly know where to go, eat local foods and be inspired. The optimal sightseeing routes have been plotted.
Skip the tourist targeting eateries stocked with lousy re-heated food, blend tastes and inflated prices. No more lugging heavy guidebooks around or unfolding maps at foreign street corners (signalling nearby tourist scammers to come check you out!).
Know exactly where to go and when. Enjoy your sightseeing and experiencing your travel destination. Walk about in confidence. Experience the sights and hidden gems. Information about a place/monument/restaurant appears when you need it - when you arrive. A tour guide of sorts.
All itineraries are (further) customisable by you. If you like, make PDF's and print-out hardcopies. Share itineraries with the others travelling with you. Share it to their phones too - everyone will know where to go and when.
Travel at your own pace and conditions. Your Travaa itinerary is but a handy guide. You are the boss of your trip. Feel free to stick to the (suggested optimal) timeline and route, or not.
Happy travels. Make your travel awesome!