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Plan Your Trip · Travel Like a Pro

illustration box plane

Organise your trips the easy way with Travaa!

Travel itinerary planner

travel itinerary planner screenshot

No more struggling with Word docs, spreadsheets and Google Maps to plan a trip.

With the Travaa planning website you have one simple tool, to organise your travel.

Create a new trip or start with a ready made itinerary. Add activities and accomodation. Drag-and-drop these around your daily schedule.

Print, publish and share!

Take your Travaa itineraries with you on the road using the Travaa viewer app*. You'll never be lost.

phone app screenshot trips phone app screenshot itinerary phone app screenshot map
* search for "Travaa travel" on app stores
Enjoy planning your trip today!

It all starts with the travel itinerary

As independent travellers or guides, we generally like to have a plan or list of things to see and do. When this travel plan starts to have timings and details, we call it a travel itinerary.

When travelling, having a good travel itinerary is a real stress and time saver. You have a guide for what to do and where to go.

Be present and enjoy the moments in your new surroundings. There is no need to keep figuring out what to do, or where to go next - that's all been sorted. Have no regrets later on, you know that your have covered all (or most) of the must do places. You haven't missed anything.

Having a planned itinerary is the road map to having an efficient route - no energy and time wasted back tracking or circling around.

illustration of Hong Kong illustration of New York illustration of London

Which of the following describes you?

I'm looking for a tool to create and store / share travel itineraries

I have been doing research. I have places to be and restaurants in mind. I need to get these organized. I might like plan the trip along with the other members of the party. I think using a text editor, spreadsheets and/or Google Maps is an overkill and messy. Hmmnn, what about tallying costs and more?

There is a much easier way.

Use this Travaa itinerary planner website. A tool to automatically retrieve location details (photos, addresses, etc.), pin markers to a map and drag-and-drop activity cards around your day-by-day timeline.

Work with a large map (which expands to full-screen too!) to visually organize your trip. Having the main costs in place, all can all get a feel of the budget for this trip.

Enjoy growing your trip plan to hundreds of places; quickly and still be on top of all the places and activities.

I'm looking for travel itineraries

Clone a travel plan that someone else has already painstakingly prepared, updated and shared. You can find a variety of these under Itinerararies.

Change it fit your plans and go.

Feel free to share your own plan back on the Itineraries section for others to use after you get back!

Product Details

Planner website

  • Online travel itinerary planner (works best on desktop browsers)
  • Start from a blank canvas; or use an itinerary from the marketplace; or import your itinerary from TripIt
  • Drag in the world's best places to visit or add your own places to visit and things to do via activity "cards"; drag-and-drop cards around your timeline
  • Any card is fully editable; enter off the beaten path places; pin your own spots on the map
  • Photos and detailed information provided for known places
  • Large resizable map display provides plenty of landscape, aerial and street views around places of interest
  • Print out a professional looking PDF (or paper copies) of your plan
  • Publish your travel plan online with just 2-clicks
  • Share your trip with other party members, plan along on the same view, live in real time!

Mobile viewer app

  • View your itineraries offline
  • Much better than a printout or PDF
  • Download your itineraries by "pulling down"
  • Uses phone GPS to show your real time location on your trip map
  • Tap location marker on map to bring up Google/Apple Maps Directions to that location
  • Open activity websites and phone places directly from the app
  • Be where you plan to be and never be lost again!

Itineraries Collection

  • Ready-made travel itinerary templates
  • Hand created by other users, experts or guides
  • Copy and make it your own.
  • Skip planning altogether; just make bookings and go!
  • Details see Itinerararies

Price Plans

Sign ups start with the Free plan. All features are unlocked. As you create more activities or add more trips, switch to a higher plan at any time.

Share and plan trips with friends and family on any plan. Limits for a trip are tied to the plan of the person who created the trip.

$0 /year
We all start here
1 trip
20 activities /trip
$9 /year
For casual travel, single trip
1 trip
200 activities /trip
$19 /year
For casual travel, multiple trips
10 trips
200 activities /trip
$39 /year
For epic travel and guides around the world!
50 trips
Unlimited activities
Like tens-of-thousands of other users, start planning your upcoming trip the smarter way, today!
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